These settings will help you to customize the website as per your business requirements. We recommend you take some time and enter all the relevant information.

Let's Get Started!

Step 1: Go to Settings

Navigate to Settings from the header menu

Step 2: General Settings

Here you can change or add your business info, website name, site logo and social media links

How to change business info?

How to change website name?

How to change site logo?

How to add social media links? 

Step 3: Online Payments

If you want to accept payments online, change the settings here.

How to receive payments online? 

How to add tax or service fee? 

Step 4: Session Settings

These are the settings for virtual classroom

How to change session settings?

Step 5: Site Settings

Under site settings you can change settings like whether to display tutor profiles in your website to students and public, whether to approve every changes in tutor profile and courses manually.

How to change tutor profile displaying setting, approval setting and course approval setting? 

Step 6: Subjects

If you want to add autocomplete suggestion option to the subjects while adding in the tutor profile, follow the link below

How to add subjects auto suggestion?

How does auto-suggestion appear on a Tutor Profile? 

What is 'Allow Tutors to add subjects' checkbox for, in auto-suggestion settings?

Step 7: Add Admin

Here you can add users as admin to manage your website.

How to add users as admin?